Thursday, April 10, 2008

Growing, growing & growing

It seems everything around me is growing fast right now. First is my tummy...I'm almost 17 weeks at the moment, yike! I can't believe I'm almost half way through my pregnancy. Bub is kicking now :) especially when I sit down and lie down at night. It feels funny and so lovely at the same time. I don't vividly remember if it felt like this with Becky, but I do remember she's a lot more of an aggressive kicker LOL

My newborn nappy stash is also growing...I think I'm having too much fun browsing, oohing and aahing over those gorgeous tiny nappies. I only bought a Tots Bots pack when I was pregnant with Becky and didn't use anything else until she's 4 months old, so life wasn't that exciting then LOL

Next is my growing little girl *sigh* Becky is growing a lot these days, funnily enough as she's such a lousy eater and she's managed to put on weight. I think she's about 10.3kg now and geez she's tall! She's way past 90cm, pretty impressive for a small frame 2.5 year old.

Not only that she's physically growing, her other developmental skills are rapidly moving ahead. Her speech is much better than a few months ago. She starts to speak in English more than Thai now even though she used to say those words in Thai. I guess she just experiments with different sounds & consonants, and I like that she has a privilege of learning different languages first hand.

Her social skill is also greatly improving. She doesn't cry when she has to be separated from me for a little while anymore (although she's still a mummy girl :)) and loves her daddy dearly. Well, she always loves her daddy but much much more so these days. She sometimes picks up a phone and starts having a conversation with her dad during the day when he's at work (of course she just pretends to talk to him LOL), and it goes like this:

"Hello Daddy, Becky with mummy yada yada thryowthhhhllywwll blahblah (I have no idea what she says here LOL), ok, ok, ok see you, bye".

Gotta love that!

She also adjusts really well at daycare now. The director even said she's doing so good for someone who goes there only once a week :) I'm so happy she has great fun there (and that I get to eat my lunch peacefully one day a week LOL).